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Neodymium is a rare earth element that is widely used in various industries such as electronics, automotive, and renewable energy. It is a key component in the production of permanent magnets, which are used in motors for electric vehicles, wind turbines, and other applications.

The price of neodymium can be quite volatile, which is primarily due to the limited supply and high demand for the metal. The majority of the world’s neodymium production comes from China, which has implemented export restrictions in the past. This has led to price spikes and supply shortages in the global market.

Another factor that contributes to the volatility of neodymium prices is the demand from the growing renewable energy sector. As more countries move towards renewable energy sources, the demand for neodymium for wind turbines and other applications is expected to increase. This can put additional pressure on the already limited supply of neodymium, which can lead to price fluctuations.

Furthermore, geopolitical tensions and trade policies can also impact the neodymium market. For example, the trade tensions between the US and China in recent years have affected the supply chain of rare earth elements, including neodymium. Any disruption to the supply chain can lead to price spikes or shortages.

In summary, the volatility of the price of neodymium is due to the limited supply and high demand for the metal, as well as various geopolitical and economic factors that can impact the market.